Justin Taylor has linked to a very helpful article by D.A. Carson on what is known as "Red Letter Christians." I have been warning about this movement for some time. They have a distorted doctrine of Scripture therefore a distorted doctrine of Christ Himself.
Tim Keller of the Gospel Coaltion has responded to the question, "What is the most crying need in the church today?" Keller writes: I’m throwing in with Jim Boice on this one (cf. his Two Cities: Two Loves.) The evangelical church must stay true to its Biblical foundations, and it must maintain and...
This is an outstanding teaching series by D.A. Carson and Michael Horton on Galatians and the doctrine of justification. These messages were delivered at the Clarus Conference at Desert Springs Church . Thanks to Justin Taylor for posting this link.
Dr. Tom Ascol is a brother I really appreciate. He is the Executive Director of Founders Ministries and the pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida. For the last two years at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention Tom has submitted a Resolution for Integrity in Church...
Mike Bullmore, pastor of Crossway Community Church is one of my favorite preachers. Justin Taylor has posted these wonderful messages from the seventh chapter of 1 Corinthians that Dr. Bullmore recently preached to his congregation. If you would like to hear more sermons from Mike, I have a link to...
http://youtube.com/v/uUl99id2SvM Okay, I'm laying my cards on the table. Christians should not vote for Barack Obama. Those of you who know me know that while I do speak to political issues I am very careful not to endorse any candidates or use my pulpit for political causes. But we know that the...
In light of the recent, albeit brief dialogue I had with Tadd Grandstaff on this blog I thought I would post some extended thoughts on the modern church growth movement. I have been asked more times than I can remember about my thoughts on the seeker-sensitive movement within the church. For those...
"We used to think that the good news of the gospel was that sinners could be saved, or salvaged, from the wreckage of original and personal sin. Today, it seems, there is a new focus. In the old gospel, the problem was, 'How does a holy God accept sinners?' For the new one, the problem appears to...
I started blogging last May. I have enjoyed the process. It has helped me to be more observant about what is going on around me and in the world. It has also helped develop in me more discipline to reflect theologically on these things. The following are a few posts from the first few months that...