Leave it to Joycelyn Elders to elucidate the moral goodness of abortion. Tucker Carlson, writing for The Daily Standard website points out how abortion has become a form of eugenics. Commenting on the horrific moral reasoning of the former Surgeon General Carlson writes: Testifying before Congress...
One of my favorite books in the last couple of years is "The Jesus Gospel" by Liam Goligher. It is a tremendously helpful and insightful unfolding of God's redemptive purposes as revealed in Scripture. He effectively demonstrates how the Gospel runs like a thread throughout God's Word. As you read...
Sad news has come to light about Ray Boltz. He has announced that he is a homosexual. You can read a brief article from Christianity Today HERE . “This is what it really comes down to,” he says. “If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I’m going to live. It’s not like God made me this...
What a great time we had today at Andover Central High School! I love having all of us together in one service. Thanks to all those who prepared the contintental breakfast and the lunch. You served us very well. Thanks also to those who labored to ensure that the music was oustanding. Jason,...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxup3OS5ZhQ&hl=en&fs=1]
Stephen Nichols new book Getting the Blues promises to be a good read. The subtitle of the book is "What Blues Music Teaches Us about Suffering and Salvation." The idea that God communicates truth and beauty through music, art, science, etc is what is known as "common grace." By God's grace...
I deleted the last post (a video of Jack Van Impe) because I noticed that after the video there was a link to something inappropriate. Oh well. It was funny (and sad) stuff.
Just when you thought the near vaudevillian atmosphere in the Anglican Communion couldn't get worse they go one better. Now they have issued an apology to Charles Darwin. Do they know he's dead? You can read an article about it HERE .
Terry Johnson, pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savanah, Georgia is one of my favorite writers. In his wonderful book When Grace Comes Home he demonstrates how the doctrines of grace are not simply theological lumber but they actually apply beautifully and profoundly to our lives...
I read this over at Reformation 21 : "According to The Sunday Times (9/14/08), the British government has incorporated Islamic law into the British legal system by establishing five sharia courts. The judgments of these courts are now enforceable with the full power of British law, running all the...