Gotta love The Band! This is from "The Last Waltz" the greatest concert film ever made.
Too often Christians respond to time of crisis with little discernable difference from those who do not know hope in Christ. This helpful post from Justin Taylor is designed to assist us in thinking biblically about the present banking crisis. I think it is appropriate to pray for the economy...
Nothing against them but Jesus was NOT a community organizer (whatever that is). He is Messiah, King, Lord, Servant, Sacrifice, and Savior. He did not come to make bad men good or good men better. He came to make dead men live. I wish that politicians would stop dragging the name of Jesus through...
I am taking the next few days off. I'll be back in touch sometime after the weekend. Blessings, todd
Most of the people who read this are aware of and have rejected what is commonly known as “the prosperity gospel.” This heresy of “name it, claim it” is advanced by such false teachers as Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, and Joyce Meyer. Basically, they teach an ancient...
Tim Challies provides this helpful review of "The Shack." Chances are you have heard about this book or know someone who is reading it. Brothers and sisters, we must avoid being swept up in the latest fad. Rather, we must think biblically and reject that which is peddled to Christians which is...
Russell Moore of Southern Seminary has written this very interesting article for the "Southwest Baptist Journal of Theology."
Here is a great article from Brad Wheeler in the latest issue of The Nine Marks Journal .
Al Mohler posts this wonderful article on one family who has boldly defied the culture of death promoted by such groups as Planned Parenthood and NARAL. Deeply moving!
Great stuff from The Boar's Head Tavern. This post captures so well the modern American religious ethos.