“The city is full of care, and he who has to go there from day to day finds it to be a place of great wear and tear. It is full of noise, and stir, and bustle, and sore travail; many are its temptations, losses, and worries. But to go there with the divine blessing takes off the edge of its...
In keeping with my recent post on the five books I would like every church member to read I thought I'd follow up with a few more recommendations. As many of you know I love to read the Puritans. Their way of wedding passionate spirituality and sound doctrine stands to this day as a model for us...
"Since prayer is an aspect of our sanctification, our development or growth in godliness, it too must be understood as the fruit of what Christ has done for us. This is often the missing dimension in books and sermons on prayer...Problems emerge when the task of praying is urged without the motive...
As I prepare for the third part in my current series of messages I am struck by the fact that nowhere in Scripture does God seem to give His people a seminar in how to do evangelism. Certainly the Bible makes it clear that regeneration is a work of the Holy Spirit (John 3) and that unbelievers are...
Al Mohler posts this pretty impressive list of books he recommends for guys.
Check out this powerful article from the Wall Street Journal.
We have said a lot about how the Gospel must not only be our central message but also the controlling hermeneutic of our lives. In this article Tim Keller demonstrates how the Gospel must be central to our ministry.
“The Bible tells one story. It is a long and complicated story about events that took place over several thousand years, but even so it is one story. Like most stories the most exciting and important parts come toward the end. In this case, the most important part comes when Jesus is born, lives,...
I have loved preaching through Genesis. We still have a long way to go before we finish. Along the way I am taking my sermon manuscripts and study notes and writing expanded meditations. God willing, once I am finished it will be a helpful, readable, and devotional commentary on Genesis. Every once...