I read two very helpful articles today that I thought I would pass along to you. The first is from Charles Colson who invites us to be somewhat introspective about the choices we would make if faced with similar circumstances as the Palins. Colson speculates as to why the selection of Sarah Palin...
One of my favorite magazines is Tabletalk which is published by Ligonier Ministries . You can read the latest issue online HERE . Each issue is filled with great articles and a month's worth of daily Bible readings and commentary. I highly recommend Tabletalk as a resource for sharpening your...
There are a chorus of voices within evangelicalism that call for the redefining, rethinking, or reimagining of the church. I first became aware of this in the late 1980's as a student in Bible college. For a young guy who thought he knew everything it sounded right. "Everything must change!" I was...
This Sunday I am preaching on Jesus' parable of "The Good Samaritan". It can be a tricky text because of the ease with which we can make it a law unto salvation by which we justify ourselves before God. This was the same error the expert in the law was making. At the same time, if we are thinking...
Can anyone explain to me the appeal of this junk? Are people truly this gullible? Why is he oinking?
Check out this interesting article from USA Today. The unchurched remain untouched. While the number of people who say they attend at least once a week hovers around 30% year after year, the number who say they "never" go to church climbs. The tally of "Nevers" varies from 16% in Gallup surveys to...
One of the advantages of the internet is the kinds of resources available for Christians. To be sure there is a lot, and I mean a lot of junk out there. But there are also some outstanding resources. Here are three great places to find some of the best theological instruction and biblical preaching...
Michael Horton's upcoming book "Christless Christianity" is going to be well worth the read.
Thanks to Justin Taylor for finding this little gem.
Al Mohler has commented on a piece by Lisa Miller in Newsweek . Apparently it is a shocker to Miss Miller that an evangelical preacher (Sarah Palin's pastor) believes in hell as well as the necessity for faith in Christ if one is to be saved. It says a lot about the increasingly post-Christian...