Check out this article by Al Mohler on the diminishing belief in hell among evangelicals. "Undoubtedly, much of this can be traced to currents in the larger culture, where non-judgmentalism, a therapeutic view of life, and a thoroughly modern view of fairness lead many to reject hell as a place of...
I must confess that I watched the Saddleback forum with Senators McCain and Obama rather reluctantly. I am not a fan of most politicians and televised "debates" are usually not debates at all. But the Saddleback forum was different. Rather than having one minute to avoid answering a direct question...
Check out some of the new links in the "Bible and Theology" section of this blog. Among the new links are: Best Commentaries New Testam ent Gateway Religion Online
Some books never lose their relevance. Here is one that could have been written yesterday: Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen . You can get this classic now for just $6.50. It is a book I highly recommend. During the 1930's Machen was one of the most notable New Testament scholars in...
Check out this helpful post from Al Mohler on Saturday evening's civil forum at Saddleback. "With the press pushing the event as a "new face" for American evangelicals, I was not overly hopeful. Given the hype, I was positively unhopeful. But . . . the event turned to be quite worthwhile after all...
Earlier today I was talking with one of the guys on staff about Leading With A Limp by Dan Allender. I read it a year ago or so and it made a pretty deep impact on the way I think about leadership. Anyway, I pulled my copy off the book shelf and read a few portions this afternoon. In a chapter...
Check out THIS POST by Russell Moore on "the cosmic lostness of a fatherless life." He comments on the book A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs. It's a bit creepy but profound nevertheless. Moore writes: Recently I came across one of the saddest passages I've ever read. Writer Augusten...
Good thoughts from Jared over at The Gospel-Driven Church blog. We trust not because "a God" exists, but because this God exists.-- C.S. Lewis, “On Obstinacy in Belief” Yes! As the segment of ostensibly evangelical worship directed somewhere roundabouts "a God" who cares about our feelings and who...
Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz will be praying at this year's Democratic National Convetion. Christianity Today inverviewed Miller about the opportunity to pray at the DNC. They also asked him questions about issues such as abortion and homosexual marriage. Where do you stand on issues...
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