http://youtube.com/v/rEMUn4KEVe8 This is a fitting follow-up to the previous post. J.I. Packer, the dean of evangelical theologians in our day is also a life-long Anglican. He speaks with grace and clarity to the issue of homosexuality.
If the whole emerging/emergent church movement seems to escape you then check out this article by Doug Brown over at Sharper Iron .
Tullian Tchividjian has posted some moving thoughts on two of evangelicalism's most important theologians: J.I. Packer and Roger Nicole. Neither of these men are long for this world and so it is important for the church to recognize their impact and continue to be challenged by their lives. They...
Check out this review of "The Shack" by Tim Challies.
The subject of Hell is often avoided in the church's pulpits. Evangelicals seem to be ashamed of the doctrine of Hell. Even those who profess to believe in the reality of Hell will often subvert or soften what the Bible actually teaches about the destiny of those outside of Christ. Take time to...
Check out this helfpul marriage book comparison chart produced by Nine Marks Ministries. It also includes reviews of the books. Good stuff.
“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” - John 17: 20-21a Jesus makes it very clear that He...
Over at Reformation 21 Sean Lucas has written an interesting post concerning Joel Osteen's massive popularity. Along the way Lucas helps us reflect on what we truly value about the Gospel. Here is a portion: I think the driving reason that Osteen is hugely popular is that he sells hope. Books like...