It is a blessed and solemn thing to preach Christ and Him crucified. Christ's atoning work is the centerpiece of our faith and ground of our hope. It is simultaneously God's most graphic display of love and excrusiating moment of judgement. The cross is where God's justice and mercy meet. It is the...
Truth and doctrine, are to be preached always, openly, and firmly, and are never to be dissembled or concealed; for there is no offence in them; they are a staff of uprightness.--And who gave you the power, or committed to you the right, of confining the Christian doctrine to persons, places, times...
Spencer Burke, author of the aptly titled "A Heretic's Guide to Eternity" writes in characteristic post-modern fashion: "Although the link between grace and sin has driven Christianity for centuries, it just doesn’t resonate in our culture anymore. It repulses rather than attracts. People are...
Check out this excellent article by Mike Wittmer entitled "Machen or McLaren: A New Kind of Liberalism?" The paper was originally presented to the Evangelical Theological Society.
Knowing God by J.I. Packer The Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson God's Big Picture by Vaughn Roberts Putting Amazing Back Into Grace by Michael Horton Instruments in The Redeemer's Hands by Paul Tripp
There is a great post from Scriptorium Daily by Fred Sanders on one of my heros - Charles Simeon. Here is a portion: Simeon’s main goal in all his preaching was to emphasize what God wanted emphasized, and he did this by putting the stress on what Scripture stresses. Every time he went to Scripture...
I have been preaching a series of messages on the nature of the church's identity and calling. The next three posts are portions of last Sunday's message from Acts 6:1-7 ... In Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lysander says to his beloved Hermia, “The course of true love never did run smooth...
Acts 6:1-7 (cont.) 2. The Solution a) The apostles maintained their committment to their primary calling. The apostles were very clear about their calling: “It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables.” Later they add, “We will devote ourselves to prayer and to...
Acts 6:1-7 (Cont.) 3. The Principles a) Issues of unity must be dealt with immediately and sensitively. I love the fact that the apostles did not try to cover up the problem. Neither did they try to solve it behind closed doors. When the unity of the body of Christ is threatened it ought to be...
http://youtube.com/v/SIp19SjXCJw Gene Robinson the openly homosexual Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire was publically denounced recently in London. The slow clapping you hear in the background is not support for the protestor but a way to drown out his calls for repentance.