It's a long drive from Wichita, Kansas to Philadelphia. After a long three days on the road with two vehicles, three kids, pets (that's plural), and two periodically cranky adults we finally arrived in Philadelphia this evening at 6:30. Our movers are going to be two days later than what was...
Eric Redmond has posted some very helpful thoughts on his blog. Skillfully applying words from Ecclesiastes pastor Redmond reminds us that our joy must not rest in the outcome of political contests. He writes: So what is the point of the Preacher-Sage’s political analysis? What wisdom does he wish...
It seems inevitable that Barack Obama will be our next President. Some of my previous posts should indicate clearly what I think about the election results. But we do not base our joy or sense of identity on presidents or any other political leaders. What is clear from Scripture is that God is...
Here are some helpful thoughts from John Piper concerning a proper attitude toward those in civil leadership. Piper writes: Grateful for (Almost) Any Government How does the Bible instruct us to pray for “all who are in high positions”? It says, First of all, then, I urge that supplications,...
My humble proposal of an attempt to be Christocentric rather than Afrocentric will not be received with approval by many African Americans that I know. I hope to live long enough to witness another African American become a candidate for President of the United States of America—a candidate who is...
Anthony Carter has made some observations about President Obama's election that I found quite moving. "Forty-five years ago a terrorist bomb ripped through the walls a church in Birmingham, AL , killing four young blacks girls (Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins...
There are some pastors on the left and the right who seem to do little else than rant about politics. I am one of those who has strong opinions about politics but will not publically endorse any candidates. I also do not "do politics" from the pulpit. For some, abortion and the sanctity of marriage...
Randy Alcorn's indespensable book "Why Pro-Life? is available in pdf format HERE . A few endorsements: “Why ProLife is an invaluable resource for anyone trying to help a friend or family member understand the pro-life perspective.With clear, compelling language, Randy Alcorn lays out the case for...
Today is all about unpacking my library. It is not an unpleasant task but it is time consuming. I am a little particular about my books so there is a very specific order in which I like them to be. I know this is opening me up to all kinds of pranks. Karen has been valiantly trying to get our house...