“It is a strange thing that when men talk about the love of God, they show by every word that they utter that they have no conception at all of the depths of God’s love. "If you want to find an instance of true gratitude for the infinite grace of God, do not go to those who think of God’s love as...
I am preaching from Luke 10:38-42 this Sunday. It is the account of Jesus at the home of Lazarus with Martha and Mary. Often times it is allegorized, making Mary an example of quietism and Martha an example of activism. In this way, the story has been used as a means to justify a mystical approach...
The Alliance Defense Fund made news recently by encouraging pastors to endorse a presidential candidate from the pulpit. Last Sunday, 31 pastors in 22 states did just that. The ADF characterized this as an act of civil disobedience. The pastors in question have risked their church's tax exempt...
I announced to my church family today that I have accepted a call to be the Senior Teaching Pastor of Church of the Savior in Wayne, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia metro area). It is a process that began at the first of June and was not finalized until a week ago. Through much prayer, conversation, and...
An interesting article by Scott McKnight ran in the latest issue of Christianity Today . Dr. McKnight has been a friend to the emergent church movement. He is a bright man who, no doubt, loves the Lord. McKnight gives the emergent folks much more credit than do I. That is what made his article in...
I found an interesting article over at Time.com that links some of the financial disasters related to the current subprime crisis to the prosperity "gospel". Readers of this blog know what I think about the dangerous teaching of people like Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, etc. Sloppy...
Al Mohler has written a fascinating post on abortion and the continuing decline of Russia. Dr. Mohler writes: Reports out of Russia indicate that the recent military clash with Georgia may have represented something more like desperation than opportunism. Murray Feshbach of The Washington Post...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlpyGhABXRA&hl=en&fs=1]
Michael Medved has written a helpful review of Bill Maher's anti-religion flick "Religulous." Medved writes: Maher scrupulously avoids any honest examination of his own spiritual state or pursuit of happiness. At one point, he interacts with his mother and derisively recalls his Catholic upbringing...
I am in no way a Roman Catholic. I am a conscientious Protestant. The differences between evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics are significant. But one issue upon which many in both camps are united is the protection of the unborn. Thanks to our Roman Catholic neighbors for this well done...