Bishop Gene Robinson offers his blasphemous "prayer" to his own personal god.
Andrew Wyeth , the greatest American Artist of the 20th century (along with Edward Hopper) died on January 16 at the age of 91. His watercolors are peerless. He captured the beautiful landscapes of the northeast, particularly near his home in Chadd's Ford, Pennsylvania. His realism was a refreshing...
Check out this prayer offered by Al Mohler for our new President. Don't simply read it but make it your prayer.
One of my favorite books on the cross is Cross Words by Paul Wells. Dr. Wells is a professor of systematic theology and a pastor. As a result his book is theologically rigorous and highly accessible. The doctrine of the atonement is under constant threat. The church is never in short supply of...
Click HERE to listen to the first message ("The Matter of First Importance") in our new series of messages The Gospel-Driven Church .
"First of all, we don't have two Rolls-Royces. And secondly, the one Rolls-Royce that was purchased was purchased by the donors, or the members of the church, and it was a surprise to me. I had no idea they were doing it." - Creflo Dollar Christianity Today reports on a real tear jerker: Prosperity...
President Barack Obama has kept his promise to put an end to the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay. Today he signed an executive order that the prison for terrorist combatants be closed within a year. Naive? Certainly. The men held at Gitmo are not nice fellas and no country in the world wants them...
Check out this new book on offering biblical counsel to teens. If you are the parent of a teen or will be the parent of the teen then this promises to be a very helpful resource. Also, right now you can get a copy from Westminster Bookstore for only $4.88 (65% off). * Update - The copies of "Get...
Check out THIS post from The Confabulum .
Dr. Robert George of Princeton has written an important article for Public Discourse on the moral implications of Roe Vs. Wade. Dr. George writes: ‘The Roe justices were also wrong to imagine that legal abortion would prove to be enlightened or in the slightest respect humane. On the contrary, the...