You can listen to or download my first four sermons at Church of the Saviour HERE .
I trust your Christmas was a joyous one. We spent time at both sets of grandparents (Pattonsburg, MO & Springfield, MO). The kids seemed to have a good time playing with cousins, etc. On the way out we ran into some nasty weather in Illinois. But the forcasts for Tomorrow and Tuesday call for...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDT9dz7aSB4&hl=en&fs=1]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRRVKu-huQM&hl=en&fs=1]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi88yQ0ckS0&hl=en&fs=1]
Pretty cool: From the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, WHYY and NPR present Handel's holiday masterpiece performed by the "Fabulous Philadelphians" — one of the world's great orchestras, joined by the nationally-renowned Philadelphia Singers Chorale. Acclaimed British choral master Richard Hickox...
There are some history books that are important but not very readable. Others are quite readable but not very important. When a book comes along that provides both an important contribution to our understanding of the world and is also a page-turner then something special has come our way. Such is...
The Associated Press reports on a New Mexico man who beat to death his pregnant girlfriend which resulted in the death of her unborn son. The report reads: ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Federal prosecutors in New Mexico believe they may be the first to use a 2004 law to charge someone with killing a...
Al Gore knows a good deal when he sees one. He has parlayed his environmental activism into a multi-million (billion?) dollar enterprise. Now the hapless Church of England is giving him over 150 million dollars. The former Vice President is flush in green . The Church of England’s Church...
No matter how many strong enemies plot to overthrow the church, they do not have sufficient strength to prevail over God's immutable decree by which he appointed his Son eternal King. - John Calvin