After the Christmas and New Year's holidays I plan on preaching a series of messages concerning the centrality of the Gospel in the life of the church. I was challenged, therefore, when I read the following post from Ligon Duncan. One of the things I had the pleasure of chatting with Al Mohler...
"The Incarnation, this mysterious miracle at the heart of historic Christianity, is central in the New Testament witness. That Jews should ever have come to such a belief is amazing. Eight of the nine New Testament writers, like Jesus’ original disciples, were Jews, drilled in the Jewish axiom that...
If you are not familiar with the writings of Professor Victor Davis Hanson then I encourage you to read him. His books and articles offer outstanding commentary. You can access his writings in the "Current Events and Culture" section of this blog. Dr. Hanson offers the following thoughts on the...
D.A. Carson calls John’s prologue (vv. 1-18) “the foyer to the rest of the Fourth Gospel simultaneously drawing the reader in and introducing the major themes.” The major theological theme of the opening verses of John’s gospel is the incarnation. The incarnation is that miracle whereby the...
Here is John MacArthur on TBN. That's right, on TBN! Notice how this crowd used to the usual pap offered on TBN responds to the true Gospel. Part 1 Part 2
"It is not surprising then that it [Liberalism] differs from Christianity in its account of the gospel itself; it is not surprising that it presents an entirely different account of the way of salvation. Liberalism finds salvation (so far as it is willing to speak at all of “salvation”) in man;...
One of my favorite magazines is Touchstone . In the December 08 issue James Hitchcock writes a spot-on editorial addressing abortion and single issue voting. He writes: If 2008 is remembered as the year of the “bailout,” when the federal government spent billions to rescue the nation’s financial...
’Twas the same love that spread the feast That sweetly drew us in; Else we had still refused to taste, And perished in our sin. Pity the nations, O our God! Constrain the earth to come; Send Thy victorious Word abroad, And bring the strangers home. We long to see Thy churches full, That all the...
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the...
Thanks to Justin Taylor for reporting on a recent document posted on President-elect Obama's website. Gina Dalfonzo at Breakpoint's The Point blog : A coalition of pro-choice organizations has sent Barack Obama and his transition team a document titled “Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a...