I finished "The Gospel-Driven Church" series this morning. The seventh message is titled "Mission: Getting the Gospel Out." You can listen to or download it HERE .
Robert George of Princeton University has written a fine article addressing the troubling "hook up" culture on many university campuses. Whether it is a private institution such as Yale or a public one such as the University of Delaware, the truth is that things begin going badly for them right off...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-WZslRmfJU&hl=en&fs=1]
I have begun reading Stephen Nichols' latest offering: Ancient Word, Changing Worlds . So far it is outstanding. I have a deep appreciation for Dr. Nichols. He is perhaps the most readable church historian I have ever read. In the days ahead I am planning to blog my way through his newest book...
Christian philosopher Doug Wilson and atheist Christopher Hitchens have had a lively debate concerning the existence of God. It has been made into a movie called Collision. Check out the website HERE . Wilson is one of the most helpful apoligists that I have read. Here are two of his titles: God Is...
If you are a fashion minded Calvinist who would like to display your doctrinal distinctives in a way that will make you the envy of all your friends and neighbors then check out THIS SITE .
Check out this great message by Dr. Art Azurdia.
"The shack is William Paul Young's metaphor for the heart housed by hurts, lies, and secrets. His aim in the story is to offer an approachable God of relationality and love through whom his protagonist can make sense of tragedies, failures, and disappointments. However, there is another task...
Dr. Vern Poythress of Westminster Theological Seminary has written as well as anyone on the unity of the Bible. The following is from a recent article: How does the Bible as a whole fit together? The events recorded in the Bible took place over a span of thousands of years and in several different...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94lW6Y4tBXs&hl=en&fs=1]