Al Mohler has an outstanding post on whether or not God is self-centered and megalomaniacal. He writes Is the God of the Bible the supreme egotist? That question arises when human beings contemplate the meaning of the truth that God does everything for the sake of his own glory. Is God then a...
Here are some suggestions for reading in the days leading up to Lent: The Cross He Bore by Frederick Leahy Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross Nancy Guthrie (ed.) Outrageous Mercy by William Farley 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper The Heart of the Cross by Boice & Ryken The Truth of the...
The latest edition of Themelios includes an article by Jared Compton concerning the dual authorship of Scripture. It is particularly interesting considering some of the recent discussions on this blog. Compton writes: It was not too long ago that Kevin Vanhoozer answered the question Is There a...
This Sunday I am preaching from 2 Corinthians 4 on how the Gospel must be the starting point for our "soul care." In studying for the message I have been using Scott Hafemann's outstanding commentary on 2 Corinthians in the NIV Application Commentary series. If you are planning on studying,...
Trust me and watch THIS .
Tony Jones, one of the kids playing about in the theological sand box called "the emergent church" has come to embrace yet one more heresy. He has now embraced the most roundly condemned heretic in the history of the church - Pelagius. Kevin DeYoung comments: Over at the Beliefnet blog, Tony Jones...
I am looking forward to Tremper Longman being with us at COS. Dr. Longman, Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in California will be the speaker on Saturday March 28th at our "Cry of the Soul" seminar based upon his book of the same title. If you are a COS attendee or live in the...
Today's Message was part 6 in The Gospel-Driven Church - "Soul Care: Getting the Gospel In". You can listen to or download it HERE .
No one should be surprised by the fact that President Obama is planning to rescind the "conscience rule" which protected health care workers from losing their jobs if they refused to participate in abortions. You can read the story in the Washington Post . Again, this should surprise no one. During...