This is the question Dr. Denny Burk asks in an article published in the latest issue of the Southwestern Journal of Theology . Dr. Burk writes: As I said, in terms of definition, my aim here is not to rehash old debates about what inerrancy is. In light of the society’s recent actions, it is...
For the last few days I have been blessed to attend a workshop on biblical exposition held at Tenth Presbyterian. It has been a wonderful reminder of what is the central calling of the pastor. It is not to be a "social architect, change agent, or life coach." The ministry of the Word of God is the...
Check out the audio of this year's Desiring God Pastor's Conference by clicking HERE .
In America, personhood is often determined by an inch or less. If any portion of a baby's body remains in the birth canal then he or she is afforded no status as a person. Sometimes even after the baby is completely delivered they are treated like trash to be thrown away. This is the ugly truth...
Arminian theologian Roger Olson has written a book entitled Finding God in The Shack . Tim Challies is writing a series of helpful reviews. Olson is a theologian (professor of theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University) and in this book he purportedly “views The Shack...
"If God is not supreme in our preaching, where in this world will the people hear about the supremacy of God? If we do not spread a banquet of God's beauty on Sunday morning, will not our people seek in vain to satisfy their inconsolable longing with the cotton candy pleasures of pastimes and...
"We need a baptism of clear seeing. We desperately need seers who can see through the mist--Christian leaders with prophetic vision. Unless they come soon it will be too late for this generation. And if they do come we will no doubt crucify a few of them in the name of our worldly orthodoxy." - A.W...
Click HERE to listen to Sunday's Sermon - "Mercy: The Overflow of the Gospel" from the current seriest The Gospel-Driven Church .
Ted Haggard who spent much of his ministry rallying support for conservative political causes now instructs the ignorant masses that the political right is getting it wrong. Says the newly insightful Haggard: “Just as the church made a horrible mistake several centuries ago insisting that the earth...
Over at Boundless Jonathan Dodson writes: The phone rang. It was our worship leader. With trembling speech he said: "Hey man, it's an emergency. I made a huge mistake." Within minutes I was dealing with a broken worship leader, a moral failure, a threatened marriage and a leadership crisis. Weeks...