Tullian Tchividjian was kind to quote me in his latest book Unfashionable . Notice that at the time I was still serving as pastor of Metro East in Wichita. Here's the quote from page 100: One of the leading ways the church can testify to God's unifying power before our segregated world is to...
Okay, sometimes Bono drives me a bit crazy. I have, however, appreciated most of U2's music going all the way back to "Boy" and "War". In Michael Assayas' book Bono the author records this interview with the famous singer and activist: Bono: You see, at the center of all religions is the idea of...
Benny Hinn wows Jan Crouch with his expertise in the Hebrew language.
"The gospel is the good news of all that God has done on behalf of sinners through the perfect life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection of Jesus. As individual Southern Baptists, we must be gospel-centered from first to last. Gospel-centered living will promote a grace-filled salvation from...
Wilco will be performing at Frawley Stadium in Wilmington, Delaware on July 10th. Their politics drive me crazy but I like their music.
Today I attended a lecture by Greg Beale at Westminster Seminary. His subject was the inerrancy of Scripture. Specifically Dr. Beale effectively demonstrated the Scripture's self attestation to its inerrancy in John's Apocalypse. Inerrancy has been a very hot topic at WTS the last few years...
Great post from Phil Johnson over at Pyromaniacs : One of the recurring figures of masculinity that John Eldredge keeps bringing up in Wild at Heart is Maximus from the movie Gladiator. A fantasy character! The subtitle of the book is Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul. But here is the secret...
Currently Church of the Saviour has a team ministering in Thailand. They are there primarily to train Christian workers how to use a Bible story tapestry which illustrates the biblical story from creation to fall to redemption to new creation. Very good stuff. Check out THIS BLOG for more...
A.N. Wilson wrote an excellent article dealing with the challenges of Christian faith in an almost entirely secular culture. Wilson is a New Testament scholar who drifted away from faith in his thirties only to return again. This article and his story are worth reading. A story of a Jewish prophet...
Part 1 - "The Lord is My Shepherd" The question of guidance is an important one for God’s people. Over the years I have been asked more times than I can remember how one knows the will of God in a given circumstance. It is an important question for two reasons. First, it assumes correctly that God...