Carl Trueman of Westminster Seminary reflects on Time Magazine naming "the new Calvinism" as one of the ten things shaping our culture today: Some months ago, I wrote a short piece for the e-zine, Reformation 21 , about the tendency of Reformed Christians over the last twenty or so years to be...
You can download or listen to this week's sermon, "Identified with Christ" by clicking HERE .
There will be live streaming video posted HERE of the Gospel Coalition National Conference.
Below are some clips from Paul Tripp's teaching series on marriage: "What Did You Expect?" Paul presented this series at Metro East Baptist in Wichita not long before I departed for Philadelphia. It was outstanding. You can order the DVD's or audio CD's from Westminster Bookstore.
Tim Keller's opening session was quite good. His text was Acts 19:23ff. Keller is particularly good at teasing out the contemporary implications of the biblical text. In this particular passage he pays careful attention to Paul's interaction with the idols in Ephesus. From there Keller challenged...
Between sessions I had a chance to speak to Matt Schmucker the executive director of Nine Marks Ministries . Nine Marks made a huge impact on my life when I was a new pastor in Wichita, Kansas. When I found them (around 2000 or 2001) they were a fairly new ministry. I was excited because in Nine...
In the opening address of the Gospel Coalition's National Conference Tim Keller made reference to the 17th century Puritan David Clarkson's sermon "Soul Idolatry Excludes Men Out of Heaven." It is worth your reading... David Clarkson (1621-1686) "You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or covetous...
Flying is not exactly my favorite thing to do so I drove to Chicago for the Gospel Coalition Conference. I like road trips because they give me a chance to listen to a lot of good stuff. This trip I have been enjoying a class by Carl Trueman on The Person and Work of Christ. Trueman is an excellent...
One of the highlights of the National Conference was Ligon Duncan's message on Thursday morning. It is an exposition of 2 Timothy 4. I encourage you to listen to it HERE . At one point Duncan quoted from Spurgeon's sermon on 2 Timothy 4:13 where Paul asks Timothy to "bring the books and especially...
If the old Yankee Stadium was the house that Ruth built then perhaps the new and spectacular Yankee Stadium will be the house that Joel Osteen built. That's right. Joel Osteen will be "preaching" at the new Yankee Stadium. Considering that he is fast becoming the most popular preacher in the...