When asked by Christianity Today how he would present the gospel on Twitter Rob Bell said that the Gospel is too big to present on Twitter's limited character space. But Bell then offers this definition of the Gospel: I would say that history is headed somewhere. The thousands of little ways in...
Tominthebox is a parody blog that posts on subjects that relate to contemporary Christianity. This post was so close to the truth that I wondered for a moment if it was truly a parody.
Listen to or watch the main session from the Gospel Coalition by clicking HERE . The messages which were particularly helpful for me were those of Tim Keller, Phil Ryken, Ligon Duncan, and Don Carson.
You can listen to or download the first message in the Hebrews series "Shadows and Substance" by clicking HERE .
Perhaps we need to value cynicism a bit more. Okay, maybe I'm overstating just a bit in order to make a point. But anytime we invest a politician (any politician) with messianic qualities then we are headed down a very dangerous road. The portrait above is by Michael D'Antuono and is entitled "The...
The latest issue of Themelios is now available free online. Themelios is an outstanding journal dedicated to biblical and theological studies and is edited by Carl Trueman of Westminster Theological Seminary and D.A. Carson of Trinity Evangelical. I commend it to your reading.
Dr. Danny Akin of Southeastern Baptist Seminary recently delivered an important message entitled "Axioms of a Great Commission Resurgence." Listen to it HERE .
As mentioned in an earlier post, the latest issue of Themelios is out. Of particular interest to regular readers of this blog may be the review by Robert Yarbrough of four new books on the Bible. One of the books that Dr. Yarbrough reviews is God's Word in Human Words by Kenton Sparks of Eastern...
From Denny Burk's blog : Lila Rose is a 20-year old college student at UCLA. She has the voice of a 14-year old, but she has an ingenious plan to expose Planned Parenthood’s serial abuse of vulnerable young girls who are pregnant. Rose produces undercover videos in which she poses as an underage...
Adam Nagourney from the New York Times: WASHINGTON — It was only five years ago that opposition to gay marriage was so strong that Republicans explicitly turned to the issue as a way to energize conservative voters. Yet today, as the party contemplates the task of rebuilding itself, some...