Part 2 - "Our Goal, God's Glory" What a comfort it is to know that God is a Shepherd for His people (Ps 23). The image of God as Shepherd helps us to understand the care He takes in leading His flock. God knows exactly where He is going and He is committed to bringing His people along. Aimless...
Al Mohler has an interesting post on the modern rise of piracy off the coast of Africa. Peter Berger is one of the most authoritative voices in modern sociology. He understands better than most that the prophets of secularization were too hasty in writing religion off as a major force in the world...
Part 3 - "Look to the Word" Ultimately, everyone knows that God is and yet because of sin this knowledge is distorted so that instead of being led into truth there is a falling away (Rom 1:18-25). Thankfully however God did not abandon the crown of His creation even though it was His right to do so...
Check out these excellent addresses by Michael Horton: Session #1: The Front Page God (MP3) Session #2: The Promise-Driven Life (MP3) Session #3: Feasting in a Fast Food Food World (MP3) Session #4: Question and Answer (MP3)
Read Michael Horton's article "Joel Osteen and the Glory Story" HERE .
Al Mohler's newest book "The Disappearance of God" can be ordered HERE From the Publisher: For centuries the church has taught and guarded the core Christian beliefs that make up the essential foundations of the faith. But in our postmodern age, sloppy teaching and outright lies create rampant...
From an essay in the ESV Study Bible : SCRIPTURE READING IN PUBLIC WORSHIP The Bible, as holy Scripture, is the only certain source of God's words in the entire world. Paul's statement that "All Scripture is breathed out by God" (2 Tim. 3:16) means that all the words of the Bible are God's words to...
"In conjunction with the conference, we will be announcing the latest venture from Truth For Life. On May 11, 2009, we are making our archives of downloadable MP3 messages available for free. Let me encourage you to take immediate advantage of this and also to make it as widely known as you...
Doug Moo is one of our most outstanding New Testament scholars. He makes a convincing case for complementarianism from 1 Timothy 2:11-15. Read it HERE .
Part 3 - "The God Who Speaks" Listen or Download HERE .