Take time to watch, listen to, or read John Piper's sermon "Thank God for an Inspired Bible" by clicking HERE . Also, check out Dr. Piper's excellent message "Why I Trust the Scriptures" HERE .
Kent Sparks and I met for lunch today. Since our relationship has played out a little bit on this blog I thought I would follow up. I had a great time with him. If you don't know Kent, he is a terrific guy. We talked about family, COS, life, theology, epistomology, and biblical studies - you know,...
That's right. The french Citroen DS has been named the world's most beautiful sports car. Suddenly the universe holds a greater mystery than it has ever known. Read the sad story HERE if you dare. Any nominations for the car that should have won?
J.I. Packer's classic work Fundamentalism and the Word of God is now 50 years old. I encourage you to read it. I believe you will find that it helps to bolster your faith in the Bible as God's Word. The Bible excludes the idea of a frustrated Deity. ‘Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in...
"I am afraid of an inward disease which appears to be growing and spreading in all the Churches of Christ throughout the world. That disease is a disposition on the part of ministers to abstain from all sharply-cut doctrine, and a distaste on the part of professing Christians for all distinct...
"We contend for the objectivity of truth, and we must insist that all persons do actually believe in the objectivity of Truth. The fact is that even the relativists objectivize their own positions. The difference for us is that we know that truth exists in God, who is Truth, and whose Word is truth...
A few years ago Al Mohler wrote an article reflecting on John Killinger's book "Ten Things I Learned Wrong from a Conservative Church." I read Killengers book when it was released. It is a powerful illustration of what happens when the Scriptures are abandoned as God's trustworthy and truthful Word...
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15 "The source of all doctrinal disputes is that clever men wish to show off their abilities before the world, and Paul here lays down the best and...
From the earliest days of human existence the enemy has enticed men and women away from their Creator by challenging His truthfulness. It is the serpent sowing the seeds of doubt and rebellion the mind of Eve by his insidious question, "Hath God said?" Today the challenge is still being issued...
The Christian Post reports: BISMARCK, N.D. – A measure approved by the North Dakota House gives a fertilized human egg the legal rights of a human being, a step that would essentially ban abortion in the state. The bill is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that...