Global warming alarmists get my vote as the funniest people in America. Not even falling temperatures and growing arctic ice can dampen their quest to stop global warming. Global warming activists stormed Washington Monday for what was billed as the nation's largest act of civil disobedience to...
“The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” - John 1:14 The first chapter of John’s Gospel is the clearest statement of what the early church Fathers sometimes called the en-manning of the Savior. More commonly we call this the incarnation of Christ which literally means His en-fleshment. Over...
A little exercise over at the Sacred Sandwich considers what might be the response if Paul's epistle to the Galatians was published in Christianity Today. When you get a chance read through Galatians in one sitting and ask yourself, "How long would it take a pastor to empty out a church if he...
Joseph Meaney of Human Life International has written a powerful article concerning one of the wicked consequences of the inherintly evil act of abortion: "Gendercide." It is a sad fact that abortion has become so sacrosanct in certain circles that many consider it taboo to put in place any...
In this month's issue of Touchstone there is an excellent editorial by Russel Moore of Southern Seminary. Dr. Moore writes: It is no accident, after all, that our Ancient Foe first appears in Holy Scripture as a snake—imagery that follows the devil all through the canon to the closing vision of the...
I am curious about something because I have seen this dealt with in a variety of ways. I am wondering what those Christians who do not accept the historicity of Eden, Adam and Eve, etc. do with the fall. Let me assure you this is not rhetorical nor am I trying to play "gotcha". I am genuinely...
St. Louis Today.com has posted an article that demonstrates one very troubling consequence (among many) that will follow if the Freedom of Choice Act becomes law. A proposed bill promising major changes in the U.S. abortion landscape has Roman Catholic bishops threatening to close Catholic...
“The Word became flesh…” (John 1:14). This was jarring truth for many in the early days of Christianity. In fact, as far as we can tell the first heresy the church had to deal with was Docetism which denied the physical reality of the Lord Jesus. This was a common heresy among the Gnostics who...
Justin Taylor reports on a tragedy from Marryville, IL. This morning a gunman opened fire during the church service of First Baptist Church of Maryville, IL (about 20 minutes from downtown St. Louis), killing the senior pastor, Fred Winter. Rev. Dr. Winters was in the pulpit at the time. He sought...