The latest edition of the 9 Marks eJournal is now available to read or download. I love 9 Marks Ministries and the eJournal - Excellent resources for pastors and church leaders.
In his book What He Must Be (If he wants to marry my daughter) Voddie Baucham speaks to the problem of young men not being prepared for marriage. Imagine a family who did not prepare their children for college. This would be unthinkable in today’s world. Everyone prepares their child for an...
Thabiti over at Pure Church has some helpful thoughts about why Time Magazine's recognition of the "New Calvinism" is not necessarily a good thing. Check it out HERE .
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvjGIkl2yDY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcf...
Dr. Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY recently delivered an outstanding chapel message that needs to be heard. The message I link to in this post is the third in a series of messages dealing with Jesus' wilderness temptation. It deals with Satan's offer to...
The illustration above can be found in the excellent book Total Church by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. Tim has posted three very helpful articles on mission strategy. His thesis is that God, not us, is the ultimate mission strategist. In his third post he reasons that mission is not simply an...
Justin Taylor has posted a link to a very helpful article by Alfred Poirier a PCA pastor and Board Chairman for Peacemakers. The title of the article is "The Cross and Criticism." It originally appeared ten years ago in the Journal of Biblical Counseling. I live and pastor in a culture of confident...
This is a portion of a message by Steve Lawson at this year's Shepherd's Conference at Grace Community Church.
I am preaching the final message in "The Gospel-Driven Church" series. The title is "Mission: Getting the Gospel Out." Here is something I found in Chris Wright's book The Mission of God : · We ask, “Where does God fit into the story of my life?,” when the real question is, “Where does my life fit...
Thus the gospel is integrally tied to the Bible’s story-line. Indeed, it is incomprehensible without understanding that story-line. God is the sovereign, transcendent and personal God who has made the universe, including us, his image-bearers. Our misery lies in our rebellion, our alienation from...