That was the topic of last night's Nightline Face-off. The discussion included universalist Carlton Pearson, New Age guru Depak Chopra, Evangelical Mark Driscoll, and, yes, a former stripper. Check out the video teaser HERE .
Charles Murray has written a thougtful essay on America's seeming drift toward a European model of social democracy. Murray's contention is that "the European model...drains too much of the life from life." The stuff of life — the elemental events surrounding birth, death, raising children,...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOCsXFKrxJw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcf...
The opening words of the introduction of Ancient Word, Changing Worlds is a quote by Mark Twain that, sadly, would be voiced (perhaps more diplomatically) by many so-called evangelicals in our own day. "It is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-...
Darrel Bock is weighing in on Bart Ehrman's newest hit piece on Jesus and the Bible, Jesus, Interrupted . Bart Ehrman's Jesus, Interrupted by his own admission says nothing new. It packages what scholars have been saying for two decades. Since he learned the historical critical method in place of...
My sermon from Sunday can be downloaded HERE .
Justin Taylor links to some important responses to Newsweek's latest foray into biblical studies: Here's the tease for Lisa Miller's new Newsweek cover story on The Religious Case for Gay Marriage : "Opponents of gay marriage often cite Scripture. But what the Bible teaches about love argues for...
Check out this post from Pyromaniacs : Nō´-mĭ-kə-fō´-bē-ə Derivation: In the NT, the term νομικός (nomikos) is commonly translated "lawyer." Actually in form it is an adjective meaning "law-related, legal." It is most commonly used as a noun in the Gospels to describe men who are expert in the Law...
"Christian man was born to be saved. Psychological man is born to be pleased." Philip Rieff from The Triumph of the Therapeutic
"Alas, most 'evangelistic' preaching I know about is an effort to drag people even deeper into their subjectivity rather than an attempt to rescue them from it." - William Willimon, United Methodist Bishop