On March 8 President Obama signed an executive order allowing the use of taxpayer money to be used to destroy human embryos for scientific research. An article addressing this issue appeard today in the Wall Street Journal by Robert George. Dr. George is Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton...
A fascinating article from 21st Century Science & Technology Magazine by Dr. Wolfgang Lillge exposes where the real promise in stem cell research resides: Adult stem cells. Dr. Lillge writes: Embryonic stem cells are taken from a developing embryo at the blastocyst stage, destroying the embryo...
...but this is ridiculous!
Concerning stem cell research there is so much that the public either does not know or about which they are ill informed. Much of this lack of knowledge and disinformation is due to the outrageously slanted coverage in the news media. Politicians have also been typically shameful in their bending...
In his book Dying Without God: Francois Mitterand's Meditations on Living and Dying , journalist Franz-Olivier Giesbert reflects on how athiesm shaped the former French President's view of death. Al Mohler has written a fine post on the topic. Giesbert describes Mitterand as "a Nietzschean until...
TIME Magazine has compiled a list of “ 10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now ” . Check out number three: 1. Jobs Are the New Assets 2. Recycling the Suburbs 3. The New Calvinism 4. Reinstating the Interstate 5. Amortality 6. Africa, Business Destination 7. The Rent-a-Country 8. Biobanks 9. Survival...
It looks like infamous late-term abortionist George Tiller is finally going to have to answser for some of his actions. Having lived in Wichita from 1999-2008 I can testify to the controversy that surrounds Dr. Tiller. He seems to have had a reckless disregard for Kansas' laws regarding late-term...
I am grateful to have had two Sundays in a row without pulpit responsibilities. Although I get a bit antsy when I don't preach for over a week, this break could not have come at a better time with our moving into a new home. Thanks to Tom Walsh and his leadership during COSMOS and to Dave Darwin...
There has been controversy for generations surrounding the various ways that the New Testament makes use of the Old. For biblical errantists the solution is clear: the New Testament simply gets it wrong. Paul gets it wrong. The writer of Hebrews gets it wrong. Jesus gets it wrong. Of course this...
A helpful editorial in Christianity Today suggests that the actions of pro-abortion politicians who say they want to "reduce abortion" are actually making things worse. Recently 15 Democratic Senators reintroduced the Prevention First Act ( s. 21 ), a bill ostensibly "to reduce unintended pregnancy...