In recent years I have thought, read, prayed, preached, and talked a lot about the nature of the Gospel – its content and implications for life and ministry. One connection that is particularly moving and challenging to me is that between the Gospel and community. My experience in church is that...
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=4536103&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1 COLLISION - 13 min VIMEO Exclusive Sneak Peak from Collision Movie on Vimeo ...
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger gives a thoughtful, and I believe biblical answer to the end times speculators concerning the beast of Revelation. He writes: If you are a futurist and believe that the beast of Revelation 13 is not connected to the Roman Empire of the first century and remains yet to be...
After last Sunday's sermon I was warned by a thoughtful parishoner to "not worship the Bible." While she was well intentioned, her question betrayed a misunderstanding about a proper reverence for Scripture. In the following article Dr. S.M. Baugh asks, "Is Bibliolatry Possible?" He writes: Let us...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB4kxMj0-IE&hl=en&fs=1]
In an article for World Magazine Cal Thomas comments on the continued naive attempts by American politicians to offer olive branches to radical islamists. He writes: "In an exquisite example of self-delusion, nine “alumni” of a Saudi rehabilitation program that is supposed to change the minds of “...
I find myself wondering how long the church is going to play in the fields of social theory. It seems that one has to have a degree in sociology to share the gospel effectively. I know it seems terribly out of fashion but I am unimpressed and unconvinced by those who belabor the importance of...
Click HERE to listen to or download last Sunday's sermon. It is part 3 in the series The Gospel-Driven Church and is entitled "Community: The Display of the Gospel."
During my time in vocational ministry I have found much of the leadership material available for pastors to be profoundly unhelpful. However, this is not the case with Nine Marks Journal . A publication of Nine Marks Ministries , the journal is a monthly online resource that features articles,...
I saw this posted over at Ray Ortlun's blog: "Emasculated men are the norm. Most young men have brokenness with their fathers. Macho men are typically posers. They are hiding behind their toughness so others will not see their frailty. They hide behind their academia, their success, their busy-ness...