The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Bart Ehrman colbertnation.com http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:cms:item:comedycentral.com:224128 Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest Ehrman is a hack who gets his facts wrong. He is a man who, for whatever reason has a...
Over at Ref21 Stephen Nichols has written a timely post entitled "The Day After Easter." "Easter is over. The new clothes are hung up, the candy has been eaten, and choir directors and pastors everywhere--not to mention ushers--are enjoying the quiet routines of a Monday. For the diehard Reformed,...
Check out this story from Catholic News Agency : Chicago, Ill., Apr 8, 2009 / 01:08 pm ( CNA ).- Yesterday, Dr. Mehment Oz appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show to voice his support for adult stem cell research and to argue that “the stem cell debate is dead,” but instead of giving his statement a...
It's just this sort of thing that could turn me into a conspiracy theorist. Anyway, if you have a pro-life bumper sticker, are concerned about the government's refusal to enforce immigration laws, believe that the federal government ought to respect the rights of states, or have served in the...
Michael Horton of Westminster Seminary California is one of the church's most important theologians. He teaches a Sunday School class at Christ United Reformed Church. Some of the classes are "Introduction to Systematic Theology," "Romans," "Christianity and Culture," and "God and Suffering." Check...
You can listen to or download Sunday's sermon, "The Meaning of Easter" by clicking HERE .
It's the fight that seems never to end. Every generation of Christians is faced with those who challenge the truthfulness and reliability of the Bible. We expect this from unbelievers and those who are hostile toward Christianity. What is disheartening is when these voices of criticism come from...
Carl Trueman is Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary . I have very much appreciated his ministry of teaching and preaching. You can access some of Dr. Trueman's audio HERE . Really good stuff! Carl is also an outstanding writer. He blogs regularly...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aoe5Bu6E6V4&hl=en&fs=1]
Followers of this blog know that we have been dealing a lot with the Bible's trustworthiness. I am reading Stephen Nichols' excellent book Ancient Word, Changing Worlds. It looks as if another worthy volume is soon to be released: Words of Life: Scripture as the Living and Active Word of God by...