The new book by Paul Tripp looks excellent. You can get a copy by clicking HERE . By the way, if you attend Church of the Saviour or live in the Philadelphia area Dr. Tripp is going to be with us for a weekend conference in January. More details to come!
I know I have posted several reviews of The Shack but I keep getting asked about the book and it is still a best-seller. If you have read any of the other reviews I have posted then you already know that I am no fan of the book. Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to monkey...
James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel has posted some thoughts on Brian MacLaren and the responsibility to identify false teachers in the church. 1. Why Brian MacLaren is Like My Palm Pilot 2. The Public Rebuke of False Teachers
Bonnie Erbe of US News and World Report suggests that in times of economic recession, choosing abortion is a good thing. I would offer more commentary but is it really needed? ‘Yes, it’s sad that this unwed, pregnant mother of three had no money for bus fare. It’s terrible that her boyfriend lost...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N01-mNO0us&hl=en&fs=1]
From Christianity Today : The shift towards pluralism has been long in coming. In his 1993 book, A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation, Roof reported that surveys of American baby boomers—Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish, liberal or conservative—all showed a...
Check out THIS REVIEW of Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis .
http://www.tangle.com/flash/swf/flvplayer.swf Over at Pyromaniacs Phil Johnson has posted, what I believe, are some spot-on observations about the panel discussion (above) on the Emergent Church at the recent Christian Book Expo. Check it out HERE . Your Thoughts?
Click HERE to listen to or download Sunday's sermon - "Behold The Cross"
Are you out of your MIND?! I know the Phillies did not have the best game yesterday. But... Just 17 minutes into the season opener the fans in Philadelphia started booing their team. Keep in mind the Phillies are the world champions! It was less than 20 minutes into the game! Just wondering.