“I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life; who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spake by the prophets.” In Scripture it is made clear that the Father is the object of our praying. But it is equally...
You can listen to or download my first message from Prayer Week ( Praying in Light of Eternity ) by clicking HERE .
Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia has recently released a document consisting of affirmations and denials regarding the nature of the Bible and biblical interpretation. Those familiar with the issues surrounding professor Pete Enns' departure know the controversy that WTS has been...
Mike Allen at Politico.com reports on the invitation to the openly homosexual Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire to pray at an inaugural event. ‘The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, who was elected the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop in 2003, will deliver the invocation for...
Of Bishop Robinson's inclusion in the inaugural festivities Al Mohler writes: One interesting facet of the controversies over Warren and Robinson is the fact that the inclusion of the one does not placate the critics of the other. Homosexual activists are still angry over the choice of Warren to...
Click HERE for the sermon audio from Prayer Week 2009. The theme was "The God to Whom We Pray." Messages in the series: 1a. Praying in Light of Eternity 1b. Praying in Light of Eternity (The Vine) 2. Praying To the Father - (Philip Ryken) 3. Praying Through the Son 4. Praying By the Holy Spirit
I would interested to know how you would answer the closing question of this video.
Check out THIS thought provoking video.
Thanks to Church of the Saviour for a terrific day. They formally installed me as their Senior Pastor/Teacher. They brought my parents and in-laws out for the occassion. It was a very generous thing to do. The kindness shown by the congregation was encouraging beyond words. I was also happy to...
Beginning this week the pastoral leadership of COS will be discussing the book Total Church by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. I have found Total Church to be one of the most helpful and challenging books I have read on the church. The authors are not reinventing the church. Rather they are seeking...