Check out this issue of The Spurgeon Fellowship Journal . Good Stuff! One article by Arturo Azurdia entitled "Is Methodology Neutral?" is particularly interesting (even important). He writes: Consider the nature of your calling, my brothers. The preacher brings to a fallen humanity the testimony of...
A new book by Washington Times reporter Julia Duin examines the reasons behind why so many professing Christians are choosing to leave the church. The book Quiting Church promises to be an interesting and perhaps sobering study. Duin writes: There are paradoxes in this story, too. In recent decades...
Take advantage of this great resource . One of the blessings of the internet is that it provides Christians with access to wonderful teaching that once was limited to seminary students. Michael Horton is a wonderful gift to the church. His books range from the academic to the pastoral. I believe...
At the Desiring God National Conference Sinclair Ferguson presented a stiring and God-exalting challenge. It came in the form of resolutions drawn directly from the book of James. Read it. Love it. Live it. James 1:5 To ask God for wisdom to speak and with a single mind James 1:9-10 To boast only...
Don Carson has a good article in the latest edition of Themelios . In many parts of the evangelical world, one hears a new debate—or, more precisely, new chapters in an old debate—regarding the precise place that "deeds of mercy" ought to have in Christian witness. I am not talking about the...
In the parable of The Good Samaritan Jesus is offering a kind of quiet polemic against the prevailing notion of the day that your neighbor, those who were the proper objects of your charity were those who were within your own sphere of culture, ethnicity, and religion. As Jesus tells the parable he...
When you get a chance read Lost in the Middle by Paul Tripp.
Engaging God's World is a wonderful book by Cornelius Plantinga. Dr. Plantinga, one of the foremost philosphers in the country is also President of Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In the preface, Plantiga provides a wonderful connection between our learning and how we love...
There is a very helpful post at Christian Thinker proving once again that Richard Dawkins may be a good scientist but he is a dismal philosopher. Here is Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion: If you were born in Arkansas and you think Christianity is true and Islam is false, knowing full well that...
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance? Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows him his counsel? Whom did he consult...