Once again Al Mohler has trained his thoughts toward the issue of abortion. In his latest post he writes: The shadow of abortion looms large over the American conscience. Over thirty years after Roe v. Wade, the abortion controversy has not gone away. If the U.S. Supreme Court majority really...
The Manga Bible
Gene Veith is one of evangelicalisms best thinkers. Dr. Veith is the Provost and Professor of Literature at Patrick Henry College and the Director of the Cranach Institute at Concordia Theological Seminary. He also contributes regularly to World Magazine and Tabletalk . In a recent blog post Dr...
I hope you will take the time to listen to a powerful message by Dr. Russel Moore delivered at Southern Seminary's chapel. Dr. Moore dismantles the idea that abortion is simply one issue among many others. “There are churches, and there are pastors, and there are young evangelical leaders who are...
Check out this important post over at Between Two Worlds .
With my recent posts on abortion there may be some of you that are thinking I have changed my opinion on the role of politics in the church. This is far from true. Again, abortion is not a political issue. It is a moral issue and the church has a responsibility to speak the truth to those who shape...
Randy Alcorn pretty much hits the proverbial nail on the head. A year and a half ago, when I first heard about Barack Obama, I got excited. I really wanted to support him. An evangelical Christian told me Obama was prolife. I didn’t care that Obama was a Democrat. I wanted a pro-life, pro-...
Check out this important review of "The Shack"
Victor Davis Hanson is one of our most outstanding historians. His books on Greek history and military strategy are among some of the finest available. I found THIS lecture delivered by Dr. Hanson at Biola University posted over at Scriptorium Daily . Here is an explanation: Following the news day...