I've been in Philly since Monday afternoon. I attended an elder's meeting last evening and was encouraged by what I observed. Specifically, I appreciated the heart-felt prayers that were offered up for the people of COS. These are men who care about the people they are charged to shepherd. I am...
Michael Card & Phil Keaggy
I have heard it said many times, even on this blog that it doesn't matter if pro-life politicians win public office because there is little to nothing they can do about abortion. The evidence, however, tells another story. Michael New, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of...
Lisa Miller has posted some insightful comments on Victoria Osteen's new book "Love Your Life." Miller writes: Prosperity preachers are neither new nor unique in America, but the Osteens' version seems especially self-serving. Victoria's book betrays her interest in the kind of small gratifications...
Today I preached my final sermon as pastor of Metro East Baptist Church. I struggled with what to preach. Ultimately, however, I did not have to look far. Paul's farewell to the Ephesian elders recorded by Luke in Acts 20:17-38 seemed to be the most appropriate text. It is a moving scene. Clearly,...
Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota is in turmoil. The source of the problem is that the historically evangelical institution has been going through a troubling shift in its understanding of truth. A website addressing the problem called Friends of Northwestern has been formed by some of...
Check out this excellent message by Phil Ryken, pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia entitled "The Suffering and the Glory: Pastoral Ministry in Union with Christ": VIDEO AUDIO Also, this interview with Dr. Ryken is well worth the time: VIDEO AUDIO
John Piper being his usual non-controversial self.
All is going well so far in our transition to Philadelphia. We have stopped over for a few days at my in-laws. They live just north of Kansas City. The plan from here is to travel to St. Louis on Sunday following church, lunch and other festivities. From St. Louis we will drive to Columbus, Ohio...
I am a day late but here it is...