“America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has...
Click HERE to listen to part two in the current series The Gospel-Driven Church . The name of the message is "The Centrality of the Gospel."
When Nancy Pelosi (or any pro-abortion politician) says "family planning" they really mean abortion.
I love this book. "The Great Work of the Gospel" by John Ensor is one of the best explanations and celebrations of the Gospel I have ever read. Ensor first establishes the need for the cross then goes on to discuss what the cross accomplished. It is readable, biblically faithful, devotional, and...
I know that some will not like that I posted this video. But everything Dr. Piper says here is true. I know that some want me to shut up about abortion, particularly the political connections. I have been asked to stop. But I trust you will understand that I cannot do this. We as a people must not...
Now for something a little less controversial. Justin Taylor links to a list of "The Ten Most Redeeming Films of 2008." You can check out the list HERE . Any thoughts? Any you would add to or take off the list?
John Updike , one the most acclaimed American novelists of the 20th century died yesterday at the age of 76. Updike was a fascinating man. He was a lifelong church member. Having grown up Lutheran, he later became an Episcopalian. It seems to me that Updike was a pretty good embodiment of a...
One of the most significant book I have read on the church is Total Church by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. It has helped shaped my thinking about how the Gospel functions as the center of the church. It truly is an important book by two men who are not only theologians but church planters as well...
My wife pointed out this site to me this evening. I started reading it and was deeply challenged. Let me know what you think. Anyone up for it?
I like Mark Driscoll even though some of his words and methods drive me a bit crazy. Nevertheless I rejoice in his commitment to Scripture and sound doctrine. I am also reminded of the fact that as much as I would like to be liked by everyone, as preacher I know this is not possible. I know what it...