"The Gospel brings for admittance to the very door of our heart, an affection which once seated upon its throne, will either subordinate every previous inmate, or bid it away...In the Gospel we so behold God, as that we may love God. It is then, and then only, when God stands revealed as an object...
Check out this story from Fox News: Jeff Harlow, the senior pastor at Crossroads Community Church, broke his wrist when he lost control of the motorcycle at the start of Sunday's second service, driving off a 5-foot platform and into the vacant first row of seats. He underwent surgery on the wrist...
Check out the Summer Sale at Westminster Seminary Book Store . There are some great deals available. A few of my recommendations: The Literary Study Bible Things That Cannot Be Shaken Engaging the Doctrine of God The Devoted Life Total Truth Breaking The Idols of Your Heart What Jesus Demands of...
There is no small amount of anxiety in some evangelical circles concerning the continuing relevancy of the church. In a modification of Gandhi’s famous words we are told that people “like our Jesus but they don’t like our church.” In response to the current attitudes about the church within the...
The World-wide Anglican Communion has been suffering in recent years from deep divisions. The Anglican communion of Africa, which is growing holds to the historic Christian (biblical) faith. The Anglican leaders of Africa have also stood firm in their opposition to the normalizing of homosexuality...
One of my favorite magazines is First Things edited by Richard John Neuhaus. While I have some rather serious theological differences with Neuhaus, a Roman Catholic priest, I am nevertheless an admirer of his outstanding magazine. In the latest issue Neuhaus critiques the recently released An...
I have often joked about my desire to write a book about Heaven entitled "Your Worst Life Now" with a picture of me frowning on the cover. As I study for Sunday's message on Jesus' transfiguration from Luke 9 I cannot help but think that we all have a little bit of Simon Peter in our hearts - We...
I have posted on the division within the Anglican Communion before and will continue to because it is an historic and decisive moment in the body of Christ. Our brothers and sisters within the Anglican Communion who are holding fast to the Gospel and biblical standards of morality are taking a...
Check out this story on prosperity false teacher Kenneth Copeland. Copeland, one of the leaders of the heretical word-faith movement has grown fabulously wealthy by peddling his fasle doctrines to uninformed and uneducated masses. He has grown rich on the multiplied millions of crumbs sent in by...
I am letting you know up front that this post is going to make some of you mad. You will accuse me of being judgmental, critical, skeptical, etc. And, to a certain extent, you would be right. However, as someone called to be in service to the truth I believe I have to speak out when the church is...