Nancy Pelosi probably wishes she had not publically commented on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and its history and teaching regarding abortion. She has been receiving a steady stream of rebukes from various officers in the Church since her ill-informed foray into theology and church...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0VJt7-aZco&hl=en&fs=1]
Any Thoughts? Is it appropriate for a Christian to invite people "of other faith traditions" to pray to their own god? Is it appropriate for a Christian to refer to false doctrines and idolatries as "other faith traditions?"
I posted a link to this article back in May but considering current events I thought it was worth posting again. The Palins never considered aborting the baby. That means that Trig Palin is now is a very rare group of very special children, because it is now believed that the vast majority of...
I believe people like this are referred to as "useful idiots."
The August 31st edition of the Washington Post featured a front page article on the preaching of pastor Robert Seagears of Christ Chapel Mountaintop in Virginia. Here is an exerpt: "Good morning, Mountaintop!" he growled to the congregation before launching into his Sunday sermon based on the R-...
Tim Chester's new book, You Can Change , promises to be well worth the reading. I am a fan of Chester's writing. His books Total Church , Delighting in the Trinity , and From Creation to New Creation are outstanding. Of You Can Change Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian Church writes, "A book about...
Phil Johnson over at Pyromaniacs has posted two important articles about recent anti-Christian violence in India ( Here & Here ). One particularly moving passage is Johnson's retelling of the martyrdom of Graham Staines and his two sons in 1999. "Jungle Camp" was an annual event in Manoharpur;...
Yesterday I received from a friend a copy of Al Mohler's new book on preaching - He Is Not Silent . If you are a preacher then do yourself and your congregation a favor and read this book. I have been devouring it. In the opening chapter Mohler makes a point about a current trend in preaching that...
From Peggy Noonan's article in the Wall Street Journal : I'll tell you how powerful Mrs. Palin already is: she reignited the culture wars just by showing up. She scrambled the battle lines, too. The crustiest old Republican men are shouting "Sexism!" when she's slammed. Pro-woman Democrats are...