http://youtube.com/v/C9fmKSwuoDE Also, Keller's newest book "The Reason for God" is now on the New York Times bestseller list. That's a good thing!
This article by Tim Keller explains much about why I preach the way I do. I fear that most evangelicals hear therapeutic moralism on Sundays rather than a faithful Christ-centered exposition of Scripture. The difference is radical. In typical contemporary evangelicalism the gospel is something...
Tedd Tripp's new book looks great. It is the follow up to Shepherding a Child's Heart .
Russell Moore has written a disturbing post on a decision made by a Christian children's curriculum publisher to leave out the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ because it is too scary for pre-schoolers. This actually should come as no surprise. The sermons and lessons that people are...
I thought this was hilarious! Is there anyone who could send this to Al Gore?
Take time to listen to this excellent discussion on The White Horse Inn. My experience in pastoral ministry for 20 years only confirms the observations of the panel. The American church is awash in neo-gnosticism. We have become as subjective in our approach to truth as non-believers. I know what...
Biblical exposition teaches proper biblical interpretation. So many theological errors today are the result of poor skills in biblical interpretation. Expositional preaching and teaching is a means not only to teach the content of the Bible but how to interpret it properly. Some of the best lessons...
These are from a year and a half ago when we spent some time at Lake of the Ozarks. My boys are pretty serious about their water sports.
Take time to listen to this important lecture by Graeme Goldsworthy from his time at Southern Seminary this week. Goldsworthy is one of the church's most important writers and teachers. His work on the centrality of the Gospel in biblical interpretation and preaching is desperately needed in the...
http://youtube.com/v/3FcWL6YM2XU This is Dylan from 1980. Okay, so his voice is an aquired taste but the man wrote some amazing gospel songs back in the day.