This video and commentary was posted by Thabiti over at "Pure Church." What saddens me most in all this is the number of nice "Christian" people who drink down this pleasant poison.
With his latest comments Barack Obama has once again shown himself to be a true extremist when it comes to abortion. Check out this article by Michael Gerson entitled "Obama's Abortion Extremism."
Check out this post by Kim Riddlebarger. He makes an excellent case for "amillenialsim." Actually, amillenialism is a poor name because it implies that those who hold to the historic doctrine do not believe in Christ's reign. Clearly, this is not true. However, it is a clear departure from what has...
Great links on amillenialism.
Some interesting thoughts from Brent Thomas on Christian music and why so much junk is peddled under that banner.
Greg Gilbert over at "Church Matters" has written a very good piece on voting in the church. He gives sound advice about the kinds of decisions that must be delegated by the congregation in order to keep the church from being bogged down and divided over petty issues.
Kim Riddlebarger on the opening question of the Heidelberg Catechism: "What is your only comfort in life and in death?" In addition to being an encouraging theological reflection, this article will help the reader apprectiate the wisdom of sound catechetical training.
http://youtube.com/v/Pslo04hB1Rk Old Heresy, New Faces
It looks like Mr. Ehrman is biting off more than he can chew. Dr. Wallace is not among the legion of gullible readers that take in Ehrman's attacks on God and His Word.