What a great weekend we had at Metro East! God used Paul Tripp to bless us deeply. I will have more to say about the content of the weekend later on but for now take advantage of Dr. Tripp's Sunday evening preaching at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. You will find a link to his preaching...
As I have written in a previous post, the marriage seminar with Paul Tripp was outstanding. Having been familiar with Tripp’s writings and teaching, I was confident that what we would receive would be refreshingly biblical. I say “refreshingly” biblical because much of what it taught and written...
Darrel Bock has written a very good article that helps correct the error that there was no functioning Christian orthodoxy during the early years of Christianity. This error often becomes the occasion for a kind of doctrinal ambivalence which separates the ethical teachings of Jesus from the...
Great audio from the Twin Lakes Fellowship. Definitely check out the sermon by Derek Thomas (one of my favorite preachers) and the address on public prayer by Terry Johnson.
Proving once again that there is not a third-world thug, communist dictator, or Islamic terrorist that he will not lend credibility, Jimmy Carter has scheduled a meeting with a Hammas leader in Syria. Read more about it.
Craig Blomberg has written a helpful review of Timothy Paul Jones' fine book "Misquoting Truth." Ehrman gets a lot of press and sells a lot of books for challenging the reliability of the Bible. There is a chance that you have a neighbor or co-worker who has been misled. "Misquoting Truth" is a...
What made the marriage conference with Paul Tripp so helpful (and different) was its Bible-centeredness. Sadly, much of the marriage resources produced for Christians is technique driven. The result is that husbands and wives are told what they must do for their spouse in order to get what they...
John Piper has some good thoughts on preaching as "concept creation".
Bob Kauflin posts these thoughts over at "Worship Matters" concerning the singing of "Shout To The Lord" on American Idol.
Take time to listen to this edition of the Al Mohler program. Dr. Mohler discusses the phenominally successful novel "The Shack."