Recently Al Mohler aired an interview he did with Eric Redmond, pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church . The topic is black liberation theology and the state of theology among African American Christians. It is worth listening to.
For an advocate of liberation theology Jeremiah Wright knows how to live in high style. As one who regularly decried the materialism of "rich white folks" Reverend Wright has certainly cashed in. Timmy Brister posts this report on the recently retired pastor's new digs. As Timmy points out, this...
Tomorrow I am preaching from Genesis 11:1-9. It’s the account of Nimrod, the people of Shinar, and their quest to build a great city with a tower reaching into heaven. They were building, we are told, in order to make a name for themselves. They were seeking to bridge the gap between man and God by...
This is an interesting article about the preaching of Tadd Grandstaff pastor of Pine Ridge Church . I think a lot about preaching, corporate worship, and the church. I hope we can agree that it matters what we say about Jesus. Any thoughts about the rock star stuff?
Check out this great article in the latest issue of Modern Reformation .
Oprah wants to change the world. Her pagan spirituality is often embraced by undiscerning Christians who drink up what she says. Make no mistake. Oprah's promotion of pagan writers and teachers like Wayne Dyer, Marrianne Williamson, and Eckhart Tolle has served to advance eastern mysticism among...
For all her flaws the church is the bride of Christ. What a beautiful metaphor. Every time I criticize the church I cannot help but be reminded of how much the Lord His bride. I think it's easy to love the idea of church but when it comes to the specific people who make up the congregation to which...
This post from Tom Ascol made me laugh.
Biblical exposition teaches biblical theology Biblical theology is that branch of theological study which focuses on God’s progressive revelation through biblical history. As a discipline, Biblical Theology is vital for its focus on the big picture of the Bible. It guards the Christian from...