Tom Ascol has posted some important thoughts on pastor Steve Gaines recent chapel message at Criswell College. Caricature is the playground of the dishonest, intellectually lazy or both. Brothers in Christ ought to have the decency to not misrepresent the beliefs of others.
"The inscripturated word centers its attention on Jesus Christ. He is the seed of the woman who will crush the serpent's head. He is the ark to rescue the people of God. He is the holy Angel of Yahweh. He is the seed of Abraham in whom all the families of the earth will be blessed. He is the...
This post written by Noel Piper for DesiringGod.org really made me ask some questions about my lifestyle and the way that most of us American Christians choose to live. How much financial and chronological margin do we have in our lives? Do we have enough so that we are able to give of ourselves...
This story from Baptist Press shines a little light on Brian McLaren's slippery style of communication. He wants to deny the biblical doctrines of the Christian faith but he usually only has the courage to make ourtright denials in his books and even there he is a bit coy. I am sad that he is...
The Seven Pillars is a tool that Metro East uses to help keep us faithful to those things that are most important to our identity as the Body of Christ. The first of the Seven Pillars is worship. The statement reads: Honor God with biblical and excellent worship that engages both mind and...
http://youtube.com/v/DvQwXOCKNLY This may be the best thing ever captured on film.
Check out this interview with Iain Murray from the Nine Marks Ministries interview series. Mr. Murray is one of my favorite writers. He is also one of the founders of one the most important evangelical publishing houses . In particular I have benefited greatly from his books: The Forgotten Spurgeon...
Justin Taylor has posted a letter that J.I. Packer and several of his fellow Anglican ministers sent to Bishop Michael Ingham. The bishop threatened to strip Packer and the others of their ordination. The reason, of course, is that these men are evangelical, that is they believe the Bible to truly...