Paul Tripp has written a very encouraging article that is posted at Keith and Kristen Getty's website ( http://www.gettymusic.com/paultripp.asp ). Metro East is honored to be hosting Paul on April 4th and 5th for his conference "Marriage, There Really is a Better Way." You can learn more about Paul...
There is always someone doing worse than you ( http://glumbert.com/wii/view.php?name=baddayoffice ).
On January 7, 1855 the 20 year old pastor of New Park Street Chapel in Southwark (London) opened his morning sermon with these words: "The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy, which can ever engage the attention of a child of God, is the name, the nature, the person...
George Whitefield offered this prayer generations ago. How relevant it is for our own time. “Yea…that we shall see the great Head of the Church once more . . . raise up unto Himself certain young men whom He may use in this glorious employ. And what manner of men will they be? Men mighty in the...
Denny Burk comments on Rick Warren's recent appearance on The Colbert Report ( http://www.dennyburk.com/?p=1249 ). Any thoughts?
This morning I preached from Genesis 6:9-22. It is the opening of the flood narrative. I prefer “flood narrative” to “Noah and the Ark” because the later has taken on the aura of a children’s fable. It has become the stuff of sappy movies and wallpaper borders. The church has taken a largely Mother...
This is an exellent forum on the importance of the doctrine of creation from the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology ( http://www.sbts.edu/pdf/sbjt/SBJT_2007Spring6.pdf ).
On April 4th and 5th Metro East will be pleased to host Paul Tripp. His seminar, "Marriage: There Really is a Better Way" promises to be outstanding. Paul Tripp is a noted author, lecturer, and preacher. His books are well worth reading. This is a video concerning his newest book "A Quest For More...
Recently,thousands of liberal Baptists (not the funnest group of folks) gathered in Atlanta, Georgia to celebrate the fact that they are not Southern Baptists. Anyway, former presidents Carter and Clinton made good on their threat to no longer be Southern Baptists. Of course, I don't know who was...
I will be out of pocket until Friday. Karen and I have the wonderful opportunity to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. It should be an interesting time. I look forward to posting on the events this weekend.