When you get a chance, check out these excellent lectures by Craig Blomberg on Youtube ( http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Dr.+Craig+Blomberg&search_type =). Dr. Blomberg is one of our most helpful New Testament scholars.
Here are two very thought-provoking posts on music in the church from "Church Matters" ( http://blog.9marks.org/2008/02/against-music.html ) & ( http://blog.9marks.org/2008/02/guest-blogger-b.html ). I strongly encourage you to read these posts. I believe our thoughts about music in the church...
Here is an article from "The Telegraph" ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/02/07/nwilliams107.xml ) concerning controversial statements by Rowan Williams the Archbishop of Canterbury (the leader of the Church of England). Has Williams truly lost his mind? Does he honestly...
When I attended Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City it was during its days as a “moderate” theological institution. In fact, it was liberal. Those days have changed thankfully. Indeed the year after I graduated (1995) a new president came on the scene and many needed faculty...
Very helpful discussion from "The White Horse Inn" radio program ( http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/The_White_Horse_Inn/archives.asp?bcd=2008-2-10 ). The topic that the guys are discussing ought to be a great concern to Christians. What is passed off as "gospel" in many of our churches and...
Last week Karen and I had the opportunity to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. The first NPB was held during the Eisenhower administration and since that time each prayer breakfast has been attended by the sitting president. It is held at the Washington Hilton and hosts...
Phil Johnson posts some helpful insights on the doctrine of Total Depravity ( How Can We Be Held Responsible for Our Own Inability? ).
Here is an excellent article by Dr. Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary ( http://www.sbclife.org/Articles/2006/04/SLA7.asp ). Oh how I wish all Southern Baptists would adopt Dr. Akin's tone on this issue. Ignorance of theology and the anger that results has caused so...