It seems that Ted Haggard has too much to do for the Lord to wait for the restoration. Haggard has ended a "spiritual restoration" process that was begun in November after he resigned in disgrace as pastor of New Life Church over a drug and sex scandal. New Life Church released a statement that the...
Living in Genesis for months has been incredibly rewarding. It is a thrill to see all of the doctrines of the New Testament in seed form in the first book of the Bible. One of the books I have been studying is "The Gospel of Genesis" by Warren Gage of Knox Theological Seminary. Earlier this...
One of the problems with many contemporary incarnations of Christianity is the casual stance they often encourage in approaching God. This “chumminess” has infected the church’s worship, preaching, and prayer. God is seen as more friendly than holy. He is portrayed as a jilted lover who wants...
Justin Taylor has provided a link to two outstanding books for instructing and discipling chidlren ( My First Books ).
Good thoughts on the sufficiency of God's Word over at Pyromaniancs ( What if someone claims an angelic visitation? ).
There is so much wrong with this guy's attitude that I don't even know where to begin ( http://www.oakleafchurch.com/blog/?p=1407 ). God save your church from foolish shepherds! Give her shepherds who will lead her humbly. Give her shepherds who will understand the purpose of the church. Give her...
Bart Barber has posted these words from the welcome material that guests receive when visiting his church: So, you’re looking for a church home. What does First Baptist Church have to offer you? We offer you a cross to take up as Christ’s disciple. We offer you the chance to forfeit your vacation...
Founders Ministries Blog: 2nd VP of SBC, Eric Redmond, to speak at Founders Breakfast
a humble cry for biblical pastoral leadership within the church
"Whether God come to his children with a rod or a crown, if he come himself with it, it is well. Welcome, welcome Jesus, what may soever thou come, if we can get a sight of thee: and sure I am, it is better to be sick, providing Christ come to the bedside and draw the curtains, and say, Courage, I...