Greg Gilbert has written some very helpful reviews of Rob Bell's Nooma videos ( http://blog.9marks.org/2008/02/gilberts-nooma.html ). Rob Bell, a leader in the emerging church fad has enormous influence and has even been dubbed the next Billy Graham. That is a comparison I don't understand. In a...
So, I spent the entire day at home on my back. Whatever I have is acting an aweful lot like flu. I tried to go to be bed at 9:00 unsuccessfully. I finally admited defeat and made a bowl of ramen noodles. Have you ever noticed how salty that stuff is? I feel like I've just been brined like a...
"Sadly, this is not the church’s finest hour. We live in an age of weak theology and casual Christian conduct. Our knowledge is insufficient, our worship is irreverent, and our lives are immoral. Even the evangelical church has succumbed to the spirit of this age... "Perhaps the simplest way to say...
I was recently attending a gathering of pastors when I heard the now tired phrase, “For so many years I preached to the already convinced.” This, we are intended to infer, is a bad thing. After all, what could be worse than preaching God’s truth to God’s people? Why would a pastor ever want to...
Please be in prayer for Dr. Al Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He will be undergoing surgery to remove a tumor from his colon. Dr. Mohler has been used greatly by God to help raise up a generation of young ministers who are committed to God and His Word. The remarkable...
Jim Hamilton has written an excellent article for the latest issue of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. Given that we are in a political season this article is timely ( http://jimhamilton.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/the-church-militant-and-her-warfaresbjtformatted.pdf ).
http://youtube.com/v/nNuSBGa1mLM It's interesting that a popular television program is addressing the deep flaws in postmodern spirituality. Tell a dying man that questions are more valuable than answsers and the journey is more important than the destination.
Since the time of Adam and Eve’s rebellion the earth had steadily gotten worse. Some 1600 years had passed from the time of Adam to Noah. During that time sin increased not only in number but in intensity. In Genesis 6:5 we are told these incredibly sober words about mankind: “every intention of...
I have added some new links to the "audio" section. Check out some of the messages from these gifted preachers.