The SBC's Annual Church Profile (ACP) for 2007 should remove all doubt: The Southern Baptist Convention is in decline. Tom Ascol has posted on this today . I would like to know if anyone would dare to speculate on why the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is one of the fastest growing...
How we worship is not unimportant. It matters to God how His people worship Him. We are not welcome to bring to God whatever we please so long as our "hearts are in the right place." There are reasons behind the approach that Metro East takes to corporate worship. In a chapter he wrote for "Give...
The discouraging statistics regarding young people who leave the church after high school say more about the family, I believe, than about the church. I do think that entertainment/event driven youth ministry ultimately fails in its stated purpose. But, in the end, parents, particularly fathers...
http://youtube.com/v/zwif0VMW3c4 I Found this posted at Steve Camp's blog. This is hitting the news ever so slowly. I have seen Fox News report on it but other than that it seems pretty quiet out there. Hmmmm.
Al Mohler has written a helpful article for Tabletalk on the role that churches should play in training pastors. Sadly this is not a vision that many churches have embraced.
There are four principles that guide Metro East as preparations are made for our corporate worship gatherings: 1. Worship must be guided by God’s Word. “The Bible provides us with God’s directions for the form and content of Christian worship" (Duncan, 57). God never encourages us to worship Him in...
I found this link to a chapter from Richard Phillip's newest book over at Monergism . Check it out. For those of us who grew up not hearing much about the sovereignty of God it was truly a spiritual revolution to discover the time and attention that the Bible gives to this attribute. What a comfort...
http://youtube.com/v/G9em-ZCddWk Brian Regan is my favorite comic. Thanks to Justin Taylor for finding this gem.
http://youtube.com/v/iHI-foSNccA It's the weekend. I'm having fun.
Tom Ascol over at Founders has a link to and commentary on recent articles from the Baptist Standard on the resurgence of Calvinism within the Southern Baptist Convention.