Excellent introductions to Christian theology and living: I love these books because of their biblical faithfulness and readability. You do not need a seminary degree to fully appreciate and benefit from these wonderful books. I would encourage you to add them to your personal library. A Faith To...
Russell Moore has written a helpful article on the Jeremiah Wright (Obama's pastor) hubub.
The ordination service for Kris McGee was a blessed time. It was great to hear more about the church plant in Kansas City. I was also moved by the words of Kris' brother John. Thanks to all those who made it a special time for the McGees.
Tim Challies offers this helpful review of John Eldredge's new book. If you would like to learn more about the biblical teachings regarding God's guidance check out: Discovering God's Will by Sinclair Ferguson Finding The Will of God by Bruce Waltke
I found this posted over at Paleoevangelical. Mark Dever read this same passage at the Gospel Growth conference in October. It’s from C.S. Lovett’s little book “Soul Winning Made Easy.” It represents so much of what was wrong in evangelism training in the past. It also raises some important...
God willing, in a few weeks the MEBC pastoral staff will pack up and go to Together For The Gospel . Here are some highlights from the 2006 conference. What a blessed time that was!
This was posted over at Pure Church. I so identify with these words that I had to post them. This is an excerpt are from Don Carson's excellent book Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor (pp. 92-93). "So many aspects of ministry demand excellence, and there are not enough hours in the day to be excellent...
Craig Blomberg, one of our most important New Testament scholars, has written an excellent article entitled "Jesus of Nazareth: How Historians Can Know Him and Why It Matters." The article was posted by The Gospel Coalition . If you would like to read more by Dr. Blomberg, here are just a few of...
http://youtube.com/v/Rb6N9_lKL4Y This scene from Easter Sunday at Granger Community Church raises some interesting questions about the purpose of our corporate gatherings. Any thoughts?
Sinclair Ferguson writes for the academy, the laity, and even children. He is also one of my favorite preachers .