It is a vexing question for many: "What about those who have never heard?" How can God hold accountable for believing the gospel those who have never heard the gospel? Certainly God cannot send a man to Hell for not believing when he never even had the opportunity to reject the gospel in the first...
One of my Christmas gifts was the new book "From Heaven He Came and Sought Her." I can tell you that it is living up to the hype. This is an outstanding book. I am happy to say that it is now back in stock at wtsbooks and available for 45% off the listed price. Be kind to yourself and get this one.
Shall we make our daughters into soldiers? Brilliant counsel on pastoral leadership. My favorite new app.
Carl gets the finder's fee for pointing me to the following post. It seems that a certain well known CCM group from the 90's is going to be performing at a conference hosted by the Southern Baptist Convention. The only problem (although it does not seem to be a problem to some in the SBC) is that...
Mark Oppenheimer over at the New York Times has written an interesting little article on the revival of Calvinism in recent years. Having been Southern Baptist until recently, I was particularly interested in the fact that the article focuses much of its attention on Calvinism within the SBC and...
Gloria Furman has written a wonderful piece over at the Gospel Coalition on the importance of attending public worship. If you are a pastor, Gloria's words would serve as a great encouragement to your congregation as to why we must not forsake the assembling together of the church. Watch for a...
I appreciate David Robertson's review of Tullian Tchividjian's new book One Way Love . Robertson gives voice to many of my own concerns about what I believe is a rising tide of antinomianism within the church, especially among the neo-Reformed.
Michael Jensen has written a terrific article concerning biblical sexual ethics and how the church has often become counterproductive in the ways it teaches about sex. Jensen writes: Or again: we speak about marriage as if it is like some kind of no holds barred festival of sex and sexual intimacy...
As a rather newly ordained Teaching Elder within the PCA I'd like to offer some loving counsel to my fellows in the denomination. If you ever appear on a nationally televised program to discuss the love and grace of God, please, please mention Jesus. Mention sin. Mention the cross. Something! If...
In the month of November I will be preaching through the book of Ruth. I love this little book nestled between Judges and 1 Samuel. Between those two books, which record such large accounts of prophets, kings, and conquests, Ruth tells the story of a little family struggling to survive. In Naomi,...