The following is an important article by R.C. Sproul entiteld, “The Pelagian Captivity of the Church": During the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther wrote a little book that was highly controversial. It was a massive critique of the Roman Catholic sacramental system, entitled The Babylonian...
Justin Taylor posted these helpful words from Michael Horton. In light of the approach of Reformation Day I pass it along to you ( Catholic or Orthodox ).
http://youtube.com/v/WU0f_qJLkLg I saw this posted over at "Expository Thoughts" and had to pass it along.
October 31st of this year marks the 490th anniversary of Martin Luther’s outrageous act of nailing his “95 Theses” to the door of the castle church at Wittenberg. It was, at the time, the shot heard round the world. The hammer blows were particularly loud in the ears of Pope Leo. Martin Luther was...
Martin Luther once said that an uneducated layman armed with the Scriptures was to be believed above popes and councils without the Scriptures. As a seminary president and professor of theology, no one valued education more than Luther. He simply valued the unvarnished Word of God to the polished...
It's late here in Washington D.C. I am tired. I miss my family. I miss Metro East. Large cities are exhausting. It has been so long since I lived in Houston I have forgotten what it is like. Subways are crowded and filled with a parade of unfamiliar and, at times, familiar smells. Also, subways in...
A good article and some helpful links from "Gazing at Glory" ( The Danger of Getting Bored with the Gospel ).
Justin Taylor has posted a link to a helpful review of Brian MacLaren's understanding of the Gospel ( "Gospel" vs Gospel ). MacLaren's theology is an atrocity but he is no dummy. Over the past 10 years he has gradually unveiled his beliefs. The combination of this gradual unveiling with American...
More on the qualifications of elders from "Pure Church" ( Not a Lover of Money ).