Here is a great resource for information on and writings by some of the great Puritans ( Monergism :: Puritans ). Enjoy!
Michael Spencer over at "internet monk" wrote this very timely and insiteful article ( internetmonk.com » Blog Archive » Message to Tom Ascol: Write the Book ). It is a plea for Tom Ascol, an SBC pastor in Florida and president of Founders Ministries, to write a book calling pastors and churches to...
I agree with Bernard Goldberg who named Paris Hilton’s parents among the people who are ruining America. His point is that the impact of parents upon their children is beyond calculation. Where were they when young Paris needed to learn that life was about more than money and Gucci and parties? It...
Recently, Pope Benedict XVI approved the release of a statement that has caused a minor stir among watchful Protestants and even some Catholics. The statement declares that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true church. To be precise the Vatican’s wording asserts that the Church of Rome is the...
Robert Murray McCheyne died when he was only 29 years old (1813-1831). His was a comparatively short life but what awesome things God was pleased to accomplish through this particularly weak vessel. The illnesses and frailty with which he struggled became the very means by which God filled him with...
I have been asked my opinion both on this blog and in other conversations about the recent announcement by Frank Beckwith. Dr. Francis Beckwith’s conversion, better yet, reversion to Rome was very interesting to me. For those of you who don’t know, Francis Beckwith is a well-known scholar,...
Jim at Old Truth has posted this passage from John MacArthur's book Ashamed of the Gospel ( Paying Homage To The Great god Entertainment ). The lines between entertainment and worship are becoming hopelessly blurred.
“My conscience is captive to the Word of God. Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here I stand, God help me.” With those words, Martin Luther sealed his fate as a heretic condemned by no less than Pope Leo himself. If...
John Piper, who pastors in Minneapolis, has had some thought provoking meditations on the recent bridge collapse. This link ( Desiring God ) will take you to a response he offered to Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". Kushner was recently interviewed on...
Al Mohler has posted a thought provoking article ( Dr. Mohler's Blog ) on the connection between the health of the family and that of the church.