Tom Ascol over at Founders has written an article worth reading ( theodicy ). It deals with the recent comments of Roger Olsen of Truett Seminary which I posted on last week.
I was so blessed by our combined worship services on Sunday! It was great to see the saints from all three morning worship services together in one gathering. Many thanks to the office staff, the hospitality team, the ushers, the musicians, and all the others who worked hard to ensure that our time...
The evangelical world lost a giant last week. He will be missed by all those who were touched by his thoughtful, tireless, and courageous commitment to the truth. Check out this memorial site ( Dr. James Kennedy Memorial ).
“The gospel is hated and rejected as foolishness until the direct power of the Spirit changes the governing disposition of the heart.” - R.G. Lee The very first Southern Baptist confession of faith was the Abstract of Principles of 1859. It served, and still serves, as the foundational doctrinal...
Roger Olson is a professor of theology at the Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas. He is a good writer and I am sure a good and decent man. But his article “Calvinist view of bridge collapse distorts God’s character” that ran in the Baylor Lariat ( The Lariat Online ) that ran in the Baylor...
Read this article ( Desiring God ) and be encouraged by God's commitment to His glory and the salvation of sinners.
Here are some interesting thoughts on tattoos and body piercing from John Piper ( Desiring God ).
Contemporary Westerners have a difficult time understanding the deep significance of the table fellowship described in the Bible. Indeed, Western people have a hard time understanding much of anything from ancient Palestine connected with food. We have food in abundance; those in the ancient East...
I hope you will read this article ( Articles ) by D.A. Caron on the Gospel. It is edifying. It is also a reminder that Christians MUST get the Gospel right. It is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. It is the Church's essential message. It is THE Good News. It is the matter of...
John Piper on the Holy Spirit's role in regeneration ( TheResurgence ). Salvation belongs to the Lord!